Saturday 18 February 2017

Choosing a Starting Point

Guidance on devising 

The stimulus/stimuli for the devised piece must be chosen by students.

There is no restriction on the subject matter that forms the basis of students’ devising work.
For example the starting point for the piece might be:
• from literature or art
• an adaptation of a poem, a folk tale, a newspaper story
• theme-based or focused on an historical event
• wholly original
• intended to educate the audience, to express a political viewpoint, to be serious or comical.

The devised piece must be informed by the work and methodologies of Frantic Assembly

 It is important that the content of the devised work is entirely in line with the dramatic intentions of Frantic Assembly.

"Frantic Assembly has always been about more than the work on the stage. It is about the ethos of collaboration, of empowerment, of that constant desire to improve. It is about telling stories in a voice we don't always hear and about finding talent in places we don't always look. Over the years the Frantic Method of devising theatre has helped people understand and make work throughout the world."

"We began with little more than a fierce work ethic and a desire to do something different and to do it differently."

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