Sunday 19 February 2017

Monday 20th February

Group Work 

Task 1 - Warm up

One student please lead a physical warm up.

Task 2 - Devising task

For 45 minutes please share your extracts found over half term and choose one to start experimenting with. You will show what you have created next lesson. Make sure that you are applying Frantic Assembly techniques

Independent Work

Task 3 - Understanding the unit

This unit is worth 30% of your A Level, so it is very important that you pick the right skill to be assessed on. 
Please read the blog post entitled 
Component 2: Creating original drama 
 and decide which role you would like to take on. 
The vast majority of our students generally choose Acting roles, but it is possible to carry out a technical role. 
Please email me your choice.
If you have any questions about this post please write them in the comments section below the post.

Task 4- The Working notebook

Today is the release of the Working Notebook. The whole unit is worth 60 marks and 40 of those come from the Working Notebook. 
Please read the posts entitled 

The Working Notebook (40 marks)


Writing Section 1: Rationale and Research

From now on you should start to write section 1, updating it every week. This post gives you a suggested structure to use that will help you to meet the assessment criteria.

Section 1 deadline is Monday 20th March

Task 5 - Using the exemplar Working notebook provided

On your own, or with a partner highlight on the example working notebook the following information in three different colours
  1. Dramatic Aims
  2. Links between student's performance and their research 
  3. key Frantic techniques/reference to style

You must bring all work completed today to your next lesson and if you have any questions about any of the posts read today please leave them in the comments box below the corresponding post, thank you

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