Saturday 18 February 2017

Marking Section 1 and Section 2 Working notebook 

Section 1 (20 marks) and Section 2 (20 marks)

Band 4 (16-20 marks) 

Excellent response: 
• Explanations given in the Working notebook evidence excellent skills in creating and developing ideas to communicate meaning through devising. 
• Evidence of a very sensitive and highly creative response to the stimulus. 
• Evidence of full development and refinement of skills and the piece. 
• Precise details are provided throughout. 
• Structure and reasoning is logical and systematic. 
• Responses make perceptive connections between dramatic theory and practice.

Band 3 (11-15 marks)

Good response: 
• Explanations given in the Working notebook evidence good skills in creating and developing ideas to communicate meaning through devising. 
• Evidence of a fully engaged response to the stimulus, demonstrating strong creativity. 
• Evidence of a good degree of development and refinement of skills and the piece. 
• A number of precise details are provided. 
• Structure and reasoning is clear and consistent. 
• Responses make considered connections between dramatic theory and practice.

Band 2 (6-10 marks)

Reasonable response: 
• Explanations given in the Working notebook evidence reasonable skills in creating and developing ideas to communicate meaning through devising. 
• Evidence of creative engagement with the stimulus. 
• Evidence of some useful development and refinement of skills and the piece. 
• Only some details are given and/or details may lack precision. 
• Structure and reasoning is present but not always clear. 
• Responses make some useful connections between dramatic theory and practice.

Band 1 (1-5 marks)

Limited response: 
• Explanations given in the Working notebook evidence limited skills in creating and developing ideas to communicate meaning through devising. 
• Evidence of a predictable response to the stimulus. 
• Lack of evidence regarding development and refinement of skills. 
• Details are rarely given and/or where details are given, are imprecise. 
• There is little or no structure or reasoning present. 
• Responses make only generalised connections between dramatic theory and practice.

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