Saturday 18 February 2017

Writing Section 1: Rationale and Research

1200-1500 words max! Can include photos, images, sketches, quotes etc 

The Structure 

Part One - Rationale

  1. Rationale for our starting point (This must be a very clear, concise explanation of the starting point (genesis) of the piece and how Frantic Assembly's style is suitable for the chosen subject) 200 - 250 words approx

Part Two - Dramatic Influences 

  1. Research into Subject Matter/Stimulus (There must be very clear details about the research you undertook and why and how it is informing the development of character and performance)
  2. Practitioner Research (Specific details about how you researched and explored Frantic Assembly's style and work, linking very definitely to how it is being applied to your performance)
  3. Live Theatre Research (Make very clear links between performances you have seen and your work - how are you applying/adapting techniques/moments that you saw in performances. You can discuss non Frantic Assembly performances, as long as the techniques are still relevant to Frantic Assembly's style.
  4. Stylistic and Contextual Considerations (This paragraph should clearly identify how you have considered the context of your performance, e.g historical setting and also Frantic Assembly's style whilst devising your performance                                                                  900 - 1000 words approx

Part Three - Aims 

  1. Personal Dramatic Aims (Three very clear aims. What do you want to achieve in your performance? Some aims will be the same for the whole group, others may only concern you, e.g. aims for character creation. there should be a focus on audience response throughout this paragraph. Feel free to bullet point your aims to ensure they are concise. 200 250 words approx

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